Freitag, 4. August 2023

USA News

Alex Jones Reports: Trump Arrested in DC, Learn the Secrets of the Deep State Coup That Can Save You & Your Family
Make no mistake, Biden's weaponized DOJ is ramping up its lawfare attacks against Trump in a desperate bid to eliminate their competition and maintain power.
MUST WATCH! Respected MD Warns the Transgender Movement is an Evil Cult Promoting Disembodiment
The very core of what it means to be a human is being erased by the elite

Mainstream Media Runs Fear Campaign Trying to Scare Americans into Staying Indoors Due to ‘Climate Change’
MSM headlines in recent weeks show media has taken it upon themselves to decide when people should and shouldn't leave their homes.

Deep State Versus America: Charges Against Trump Seek to Outlaw Questioning Rigged Elections
With free and open elections, the elite would no longer have total control over America

“This is a Very Sad Day for America”: Trump’s First Statement After Pleading Not Guilty
President Trump slams Deep State: "If you can’t beat him, you persecute him or you prosecute him."

CBS’ Catherine Herridge Admits Democrat Rep. Lied About Biden Whistleblower’s Congressional Testimony
New York Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman continues to stick his foot in his mouth

“This Is A Free-Speech-Killing Indictment” – Dems Move To Criminalize Political Dissent
Democrats are reaching a line with the American people that will not be able to un-cross.

Klaus Schwab’s Daughter Threatens Humanity: ‘Permanent Lockdowns Coming – Whether You Like It Or Not’
The People's Voice
The daughter of World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has emerged from the shadows and issued a chilling threat against humanity. According to Nicole Schwab, the global elite are preparing to roll out permanent “climate [...] The post Klaus Schwab’s Daughter Threatens Humanity: ‘Permanent Lockdowns Coming – Whether You Like It Or Not’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

PBD Exposes Globalist Financial Controllers In New Rogan Interview
The monopoly men destroying modern civilization must be stopped!

Portland Doctor Switches from Democrat to Republican After Knock-Out Attack by Homeless Person
'I do not hold the police accountable for this at all — I hold our city accountable for defunding the police,' says injured radiologist.

Fitch Slashes US Credit Rating
Fitch noted that the US government doesn’t have any kind of “medium-term fiscal framework,” and operates under a “complex budgeting process. In other words, Congress sets the budget on a year-by-year basis.

African Migrant Stabs Fellow Eritrean to Death in Switzerland
"Hardly a day goes by without a stabbing!" Swiss People's Party declares

Was the Covid Response a Coup by the Intelligence Community?
How were officials able to implement such destructive, totalitarian policies across the Western world without intelligence authorities stepping in to stop them?

Husband Denied Transplant for Being Unvaccinated – Hospital Now Wants Wife to Surrender His Organs
'They call you while you’re sitting next to your dying loved one and they ask you if they can have his organs,' explains bereaved widow Meghan Harper.

Not Even a Pencil Could Exist without Fossil Fuels
While the division of labor required to fabricate a pencil is impressive, consider how many more steps are required to manufacture complicated things such as smartphones or computers. Yet each step requires one particular resource—energy.

FDA Relied On Wildly Incorrect Booster Estimates
Many government-imposed policies and mandates have unfortunately rested on assumptions and estimates provided in studies, yet with a complete disregard of the extent to how poorly conducted or misleading they may have been.

The Next Generation Is Being Groomed For Destruction – Here’s Why They Are Vulnerable
Narcissistic teachers are parasites that view the classroom as a place where they are owed affirmation. They see the children in their class as a captive audience that they can feed off of to gain attention, admiration and justification.

Study: Covid Lockdown Harmed Emotional Development For Almost Half Of UK Children
The People's Voice
A new study has found that almost half the UK’s children had their emotional development harmed by the covid lockdowns. The results showed that the impact of the lockdowns was significantly harmful, with parents reporting [...] The post Study: Covid Lockdown Harmed Emotional Development For Almost Half Of UK Children appeared first on The People's Voice.

NBC Praises LGBTQ Summer Camp For 5-13 Year Olds
The People's Voice
An LGBTQ summer camp for children aged 5-13 has been showered with praise on NBC News, they say they just “love that whole idea”. The kids LGBTQ Pride summer camp was promoted and celebrated as [...] The post NBC Praises LGBTQ Summer Camp For 5-13 Year Olds appeared first on The People's Voice.

Trump Indictment is an Attack on Questioning Elections
The establishment doesn't want anyone exposing their rigged elections

The Rise In Covid Cases Means ‘It’s Time to Bring Out The Masks’ Says MSNBC’s Patel
The People's Voice
MSNBC’s medical contributor has told Americans to start wearing masks again following an uptick in COVID hospitalizations. Dr. Kavita Patel, a former Obama official, appeared on Jose Diaz-Balart Reports to discuss the rise in COVID [...] The post The Rise In Covid Cases Means ‘It’s Time to Bring Out The Masks’ Says MSNBC’s Patel appeared first on The People's Voice.

Department of Education Says Affirmative Action Ruling ‘Threatens to Take Us Backwards’
"Our colleges have lost the most effective tool they ever had for building diverse campus communities," says Education Secretary Miguel Cardona

Transsexual to Lead Ukrainian Army’s English Language Propaganda – Report
The male-born American journalist, who came out as trans in 2019, enlisted in the Ukrainian military last year

Alejandro Mayorkas: Biden’s Hatchet Man on the Border
The Biden Border Rush is administration policy. It’s working.

British Govt Quietly Backs Facial Recognition Tech ‘To Stop Theft’
The People's Voice
Officials from the British government have reportedly drawn up a secret scheme to lobby privacy regulators to allow private businesses to use facial recognition cameras in a supposed push to crack down on crime. A [...] The post British Govt Quietly Backs Facial Recognition Tech ‘To Stop Theft’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Republic In Crisis: President Trump Criminally Charged For Jan 6 While Ray Epps Walks Free – Watch LIVE
In a brazen Deep State move, beyond conflict of interest, the DC judge selected to persecute Trump also worked with Hunter Biden at the firm managing the Burisma account! But to make matters worse, Jack Smith has announced Mike Pence as his star witness against Trump! Pence is running against Trump!

Sound of Freedom: Police Bust Massive Pedophile Ring – Rescue Hundreds of Children
The People's Voice
While the mainstream media continues to smear the anti-child-trafficking film “Sound of Freedom” as a “conspiracy theory”, the FBI announced this week that it rescued hundreds of children in one of the biggest pedophile ring [...] The post Sound of Freedom: Police Bust Massive Pedophile Ring – Rescue Hundreds of Children appeared first on The People's Voice.

Sharon Osbourne Slams Democrat Party: “You’re Full of Shit and the People Are Waking Up”
The People's Voice
Bill Maher and Sharon Osbourne slammed Democrats in a new video, claiming that the Democratic Party is “full of shit” and warning that the people are waking up to their evil agenda. Bill pointed out [...] The post Sharon Osbourne Slams Democrat Party: “You’re Full of Shit and the People Are Waking Up” appeared first on The People's Voice.

Trump: ‘If We Don’t Destroy the WEF, They Will Destroy America’
The People's Voice
Former President Trump has warned that the globalist elites are going to destroy America if we don’t eliminate them as a matter of urgency. In a blistering new op-ed, Trump warned that the likes of [...] The post Trump: ‘If We Don’t Destroy the WEF, They Will Destroy America’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Wikipedia Editor Admits: “We Are Run by the CIA”
The People's Voice
Wikipedia is secretly owned and operated by the CIA to wage “information warfare” on the public, the site’s co-founder, Larry Sanger, has told journalist Glenn Greenwald. Speaking on Greenwald’s ‘System Update’ podcast, Sanger discussed how [...] The post Wikipedia Editor Admits: “We Are Run by the CIA” appeared first on The People's Voice.

Interview Basil Valentine: Nigel Farage and the Censorship Grid
In This Together
Subscribe To Iain Davis Channels   On "Compass with Basil Valentine." Basil and I discussed the recent seizure of Nigel Farage's bank account for expressing the wrong opinions. [segment starts 29.25]. We then continued to discuss the wider implications and the emerging censorship grid. Follow BasilValentineSays The post Interview Basil Valentine: Nigel Farage and the Censorship Grid appeared first on Iain Davis.

CIA moderating Wikipedia – former editor
Intelligence agencies have been manipulating the online encyclopedia for more than a decade, Larry Sanger has claimed

Trump warns of 561-year prison term
The 45th US president has said the “tyrannical” Democrats want him behind bars for “six lifetimes”

Heart Attack Deaths Up 30% In Young People Since 2020 – Mainstream Media Baffled
The People's Voice
Big Pharma-sponsored mainstream media hacks have been left scratching their heads while trying to figure out why heart attack deaths have soared 30 percent in young Americans since 2020 – without being allowed to mention [...] The post Heart Attack Deaths Up 30% In Young People Since 2020 – Mainstream Media Baffled appeared first on The People's Voice.


LOOMING FINANCIAL CRISIS ALERT: Warren Buffett Just Dumped $7 Billion Of Bank Of America Stock— MUST-WATCH Infowars: There's a War on fo...