Freitag, 20. Oktober 2023

USA Breaking News

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Here in the Anti-Mainstream at you will find the most important information at a glance every day. 

Concentrating on the essentials saves you a lot of time and research effort.

‘Start Reading Labels’: Food Producers Caught Quietly, Deceitfully Putting Insects In Our Food
The People's Voice
People who care about their health and do not wish to introduce bugs, insects and crickets to their diet will need to start reading labels on food items very closely. Food producers have been caught [...] The post ‘Start Reading Labels’: Food Producers Caught Quietly, Deceitfully Putting Insects In Our Food appeared first on The People's Voice.

Peer-Reviewed Study Finds ‘Hundreds of Billions of DNA Molecules Per Dose’ in mRNA Covid Jabs
The People's Voice
A new peer-reviewed scientific study has found the “presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose” in both Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, directly contradicting the information given to the public [...] The post Peer-Reviewed Study Finds ‘Hundreds of Billions of DNA Molecules Per Dose’ in mRNA Covid Jabs appeared first on The People's Voice.

‘It Took My Breath Away’ —Top Doctor Exposes Study Showing 50% of Young Men Who Got Myocarditis from Jab had PERMANENT Heart Damage
'It's a large study - and it showed that about approximately half of the young males that got myocarditis had permanent heart damage. Permanent,' noted Dr. Drew Pinsky.

Dr. Drew Reveals 50% of mRNA Victims Now Have ‘Permanent Heart Damage’
The People's Voice
Fifty percent of young men who were told their cases of post-Covid vaccine myocarditis were mild and nothing to worry about now have “permanent heart damage” according to a new study. “It took my breath [...] The post Dr. Drew Reveals 50% of mRNA Victims Now Have ‘Permanent Heart Damage’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

OpSec Fail: White House Apologizes after Identities of US Special Ops Forces in Israel Revealed on Instagram
White House admits to doxxing Delta Force CAG operators in Israel supporting campaign against Hamas.

EXCLUSIVE: Alex Jones Responds to October Bankruptcy Ruling
Watch & share Alex Jones' exclusive response to MSM lies!

Crisis Industrial Complex: Dr. Peter St. Onge Exposes the Censorship Secret Weapon of the NWO Takeover
The ruling class tosses one crisis after another at the masses in order to profit and to gain more power

Victim “Fighting for Her Life” After Being Shoved Into Moving NYC Train
Suspect with "history of mental illness" was "known to law enforcement"

Andrew Tate Releases Explosive Alex Jones Interview!
Be sure to watch & share the encounter between two men globalists DO NOT want you to hear!

Texas Building Barrier on New Mexico Border
TX authorities move to block illegal migrants from entering via neighboring state

Watch: 8th Grader Documents LGBT Indoctrination Inside Public School
13-year-old in Colorado discreetly filmed inside school to show mom inordinate amount of LGBT propaganda being crammed down students' throats.

The Biggest Secret
Diversity always fails.

Watch: Alex Jones Raises Alarm Over Deep State False Flags With Steve Bannon MINUTES Before State Department Issues Terror Alert
"It's the death rattle, this is the flailing of the corrupt establishment trying to bully us back under their control."

Breaking! Peter Thiel Was An FBI Informant, But What Does That Mean?
Conservative venture capitalist outed by mainstream media as FBI confidential human source

Watch: People Sign Petition to Arrest, Jail Trump Supporters Who Say 2020 Election Stolen
People in California sign petition calling to arrest and jail Trump supporters who believe election was rigged, in shocking social experiment by media commentator Mark Dice.

Biden Read Directly From Script During Meeting With Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu
The People's Voice
US president Joe Biden flew to the Middle East on Wednesday to meet with leaders, just as the Hamas-Israeli conflict escalated. During his press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden, embarrassingly, read directly [...] The post Biden Read Directly From Script During Meeting With Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu appeared first on The People's Voice.

US Lawmakers Demand Biden Declassify Intelligence On Gaza Hospital Disaster
Biden said data from his Defense Department showed explosion was unlikely to have been Israeli airstrike

Klaus Schwab Signs Order Drafting US Men and Women to Fight For Globalists in WW3
The People's Voice
American men and women are set to be imminently drafted to fight for the globalists in World War 3 if Klaus Schwab gets his way, after the World Economic Forum leader was heard boasting that [...] The post Klaus Schwab Signs Order Drafting US Men and Women to Fight For Globalists in WW3 appeared first on The People's Voice.

Hamas Sympathisers Storm Capitol; Biden’s DOJ Confirm ‘No Prosecutions Will Be Pursued’
The People's Voice
Pro-Hamas sympathisers stormed the U.S. Capitol building on Wednesday, prompting conservatives to wonder how many of them will be aggressively prosecuted in the same manner as the J6 protestors. The angry mob donned black shirts [...] The post Hamas Sympathisers Storm Capitol; Biden’s DOJ Confirm ‘No Prosecutions Will Be Pursued’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Major U.S Meat Producer Forced To Open WEF Insect Plant
The People's Voice
One of America’s largest meat producers has been forced to open a major WEF-connected insect processing plant in the United States. Tyson Foods Inc., the largest producer in America for a variety of meats, is buying a [...] The post Major U.S Meat Producer Forced To Open WEF Insect Plant appeared first on The People's Voice.

Trump Mega Donor Killed Under Suspicious Circumstances
The People's Voice
One of President Trump’s major donor’s has been killed under suspicious circumstances, according to reports. 72-year-old Steve Alembik was a mega-donor to Republicans. He was pronounced dead after apparently shooting himself and his wife in [...] The post Trump Mega Donor Killed Under Suspicious Circumstances appeared first on The People's Voice.

Grief-Stricken Mum Euthanized in NHS Hospital 12 Days After Husband’s Death
The People's Voice
When Barbara Clarke’s beloved husband Charles died in July 2021, a terrible grief took hold of her. The couple had been married for 55 years and, as Charles’ carer since he’d had a stroke few [...] The post Grief-Stricken Mum Euthanized in NHS Hospital 12 Days After Husband’s Death appeared first on The People's Voice.

WATCH: Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson Reveal Secrets of DMT & Interdimensional Entities
"The weird thing about it is, everybody's reporting the same thing! How the Hell do you account for that?"

Credit Tightens as Money Supply Falls for Ten Months In a Row
Money supply growth can often be a helpful measure of economic activity and an indicator of coming recessions. During periods of economic boom, money supply tends to grow quickly as commercial banks make more loans.

Peter Schiff: The “Unsinkable” American Consumer Is Drowning in Debt
"Everything costs more. Everything you buy is a lot more expensive."

Thinking Outside the State
But if states have waxed and waned over time yet civilization has carried on, what is this other tradition, this other way of organizing society that sometimes is gaining ground and sometimes receding in counter position to state power?

UK Gov’t Caught Issuing Hospitals ‘Expiry Dates’ For Patients
The People's Voice
The support group for relatives of victims of involuntary euthanasia (R.O.V.E), which I set up in 2021, now has almost 100 members. It gets busy in there, daily discussions being had, support and advice being [...] The post UK Gov’t Caught Issuing Hospitals ‘Expiry Dates’ For Patients appeared first on The People's Voice.

Biden Lifts Sanctions on Venezuela Dictator Maduro in Exchange for Oil
White House suspends sanctions on Venezuelan oil, gas, and gold production

US Closes Consulate in Turkey Over Fear of Riots
Diplomatic facility in Adana shuttered due to concerns about “violent” demonstrations

Thursday LIVE: State Department Issues Worldwide Terror Alert as Globalist Deep State Prepares False Flags
Meanwhile, the MSM is defending Islamic terrorist supporters who stormed the Capitol!

Brazil’s Parliamentary Commission Approves Report Accusing Bolsonaro of Coup Attempt
Report calls for former Brazilian president to be indicted for multiple crimes

NIH Funds Program Matching LGBT Teens and Adults for ‘Mentoring’ Without Parental Consent
New program claims that a ‘flaw’ in many similar projects is that they require parental consent to match LGBT-identifying teens and adults online.

Elon Musk Comments On Man IMPRISONED For Posting Hillary Clinton Memes On Twitter
"What prison sentences were given out to those who suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop information?"

Video: Trump Slates Biden For Handing $100 Million To Palestinians
"He’s over in Israel, and he’s giving money to the Palestinians.”

CDC Urges Pregnant Women To Have 4 Vaccines
The People's Voice
Vaccine hesitancy among pregnant women is on the rise and is causing concern among some doctors and public health officials, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) So concerning that on Tuesday [...] The post CDC Urges Pregnant Women To Have 4 Vaccines appeared first on The People's Voice.

Former WEF Member Turned Whistleblower Warns About Globalists Plan To Microchip People
The People's Voice
The global elite plan to coerce populations into having microchips implanted under their skin to be able to access digital currencies, Universal Basic Income (UBI) and other services, according to German economist Richard Werner. Werner, [...] The post Former WEF Member Turned Whistleblower Warns About Globalists Plan To Microchip People appeared first on The People's Voice.

US Sending Thousands Of Troops Towards Israel
The People's Voice
The Pentagon is sending a group of over 4,000 American sailors towards Israel The Amphibious Ready Group will be positioned on war ships off the coast of Israel in case the conflict there with Hamas [...] The post US Sending Thousands Of Troops Towards Israel appeared first on The People's Voice.

15. Oktober 2024

Infowars’ Owen Shroyer Debates Leftist Destiny on Trump-Harris Election: WATCH LIVE! Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind! Epic show...