Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2023

USA Breaking News

Penn President Liz Magill Resigns After Failing to Condemn Antisemitism
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Received widespread backlash for saying advocacy of the genocide of Jews required "context." University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill has resigned as president of the university Saturday following backlash over her failure to condemn advocating for the genocide of Jews on campus. The board of Penn’s Wharton business school sent a letter on Friday to the university’s board of trustees after receiving no reply to a letter they sent on Thursday to Magill requesting her resignation....

Cambridge Scientists Admit 25% of Vaccinated People Now Have VAIDS
The People's Voice
Research scientists at the world-renowned Cambridge University in the UK have admitted that one in four vaccinated people have now developed an chronic immune deficiency response, also known as vaccine acquired immune deficiency syndrome (VAIDS). [...] The post Cambridge Scientists Admit 25% of Vaccinated People Now Have VAIDS appeared first on The People's Voice.

NEW VACCINE MANDATES: Brazil Is FORCE Vaccinating Babies — Global Genocide Continues
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Leftist President Lula de Silva is quite literally telling the population that they will starve if they do not inject themselves with poison as he further destroys the economy. Brazil’s mandatory vaccinations for children as socialist criminal President Lula da Silva demands people inject their kids or lose welfare, Josh Sigurdson reports. The President is quite literally telling the population that they will starve if they do not inject themselves with poison as he further destroys...

Study Reveals mRNA Vaccines Are ‘Reactivating’ Previously Dormant Viruses and Diseases
The People's Voice
Covid-19 mRNA vaccines significantly increase the likelihood of reactivating dormant viruses and diseases according to a major peer-reviewed cohort study of over two million fully vaccinated people. Vaccine-induced viral reactivation was found to reactivate a [...] The post Study Reveals mRNA Vaccines Are ‘Reactivating’ Previously Dormant Viruses and Diseases appeared first on The People's Voice.

Vaccinated Piers Morgan Catches Covid — Blames Anti-Vaxxers!
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
"Ironically, if I’d had another Covid booster I wouldn’t have caught the damn thing again and wouldn’t be feeling so rough," claims TV host. UK talk show host Piers Morgan tested positive for Covid-19 this week despite receiving the Covid shots and booster. The British television personality shared his Covid test Tuesday on Twitter and said he felt “as rough as a badger’s a*se” before blaming his condition on the “anti-vaccination” community. UPDATE: I’ve tested positive...

What’s Really Behind Biden’s Threat to Send Americans to Fight Russia?
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The US president’s tough talk is laying the ground to blame Republicans for “losing Ukraine." The president of the United States has caused a stir. Speaking to Congress, Joe Biden brought up the possibility of “American troops fighting Russian troops.” Biden, of course, has repeatedly had problems staying on script or keeping his thoughts straight, resulting in embarrassing gaffes, such as calling his Vice President Kamala Harris a “great president” or mixing up Ukraine and Iran....

Elon Musk Puts Free Speech Referendum To The People
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Poll to reinstate Alex Jones on "X" is now LIVE -- vote now! Alex Jones responds to Elon Musk’s latest poll letting the people decide if he should return to X and what is means for free speech in the era of mass censorship. READ: Elon Musk Considers Bringing Back Alex Jones to X with New Poll Vote now if you believe in free speech: Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform? Vox Populi, Vox Dei.— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 9, 2023 ...

UK Health Chiefs Warn Covid Could Ruin Christmas For Millions Without A Booster Jab
The People's Voice
UK heath chiefs are warning that Covid could ruin Christmas for millions of people without a booster jab. A warning by NHS England claimed that nearly half of all eligible adults have not taken up [...] The post UK Health Chiefs Warn Covid Could Ruin Christmas For Millions Without A Booster Jab appeared first on The People's Voice.

CNN Admits Hunter Biden Wouldn’t Have Been Indicted on Tax Charges Without IRS ‘Whistleblowers’
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Hunter Biden was hit with 9 felony charges related to tax evasion and tax fraud in California by Special Counsel David Weiss. CNN credited Hunter Biden’s latest string of felony charges on the IRS whistleblowers who exposed the Justice Department’s preferential treatment of him. CNN Legal Analyst Joey Jackson on Friday’s broadcast of “Early Start” reacted to complaints by Hunter Biden’s lawyer Abbe Lowell that his 9 felony charges related to tax evasion and tax fraud in California...

Ukraine Is In ‘Mortal Danger’ Without More Foreign Aid Says Olena Zelenska
The People's Voice
The wife of Volodymyr Zelensky has warned that Ukrainian citizens are in “mortal danger” of being left to die if the West does not continue with their financial support. Ukraines First lady Olena Zelenska made [...] The post Ukraine Is In ‘Mortal Danger’ Without More Foreign Aid Says Olena Zelenska appeared first on The People's Voice.

Brits May Be Forced to Take Selfies Before Watching Porn
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
“Pornography is too readily accessible to children online, and the new online safety laws are clear that must change,” says Ofcom’s chief executive. Adult websites could compel British citizens to take a selfie to verify their age before watching pornography under new rules to protect children. UK’s telecom regulatory agency Ofcom said websites could use “facial age estimation” systems to confirm they are adults before accessing porn. “Pornography is too readily accessible...

Breaking! Elon Musk Considers Bringing Back Alex Jones to X with New Poll
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Alex Jones Reinstatement Poll is now LIVE! Elon Musk launched a poll Saturday to determine if Alex Jones should return to the X platform after 5 years of exile. Musk released his own poll asking, “Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform?” As of this writing, 500,000 votes have been recorded with 71% of respondents saying that yes, Alex Jones should be reinstated to X, with 11 hours left until the poll closes. Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform? Vox Populi,...

WEF Orders Govt’s To Arrest Whistleblowers Who Expose Depopulation Agenda
The People's Voice
Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum have ordered world governments to mass incarcerate officials who are trying to blow the whistle about the crimes of the elite during the pandemic. According to a World Economic Forum [...] The post WEF Orders Govt’s To Arrest Whistleblowers Who Expose Depopulation Agenda appeared first on The People's Voice.

Colombian Gov’t: ‘COVID Jabs Are the Biggest Depopulation Experiment Ever Attempted’
The People's Voice
The Colombian government has officially blown the whistle on how the COVID vaccines were designed to deliberately kill as many humans as possible as part of a massive depopulation experiment. During a First Committee of [...] The post Colombian Gov’t: ‘COVID Jabs Are the Biggest Depopulation Experiment Ever Attempted’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

WEF Leaders Say They Need To Eat ‘Gourmet Meat’ To Run the World
The People's Voice
Leaders from the World Economic Forum and UN have argued that they should be exempt from the meat-free insect diet in the future due to the fact that they need the nutrients found in ‘gourmet [...] The post WEF Leaders Say They Need To Eat ‘Gourmet Meat’ To Run the World appeared first on The People's Voice.

Child Mask Mandates Caused Irreversible Brain Damage, BMJ Review Finds
The People's Voice
Forcing children to wear masks during the pandemic has resulted in permanent brain damage due to the adverse side effects of depleting the body of oxygen over extended periods, a BMJ study has concluded. The [...] The post Child Mask Mandates Caused Irreversible Brain Damage, BMJ Review Finds appeared first on The People's Voice.

Kevin McCarthy: ‘There’s Too Many Damn White People in the Republican Party’
The People's Voice
Congressman Kevin McCarthy expressed his disgust at the number of white Republicans who make up the majority of the GOP and praised Democrats for having a disproportionate number of non-whites during a debate at Oxford. [...] The post Kevin McCarthy: ‘There’s Too Many Damn White People in the Republican Party’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Putin Told Moon Landing Photos Are Fake
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
A brief look at why millions of people question the Apollo moon landings. Russian President Vladimir Putin was presented with photos of the famous Apollo Moon landing of 1969 — and was told that AI analysis concluded that they were inauthentic. Don’t miss this powerful report breaking down the bombshell findings of COVID-19 vaccine mass deaths exposed by a brave New Zealand government whistleblower: 

US Blocks UN Gaza Ceasefire Appeal
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Washington has vetoed a resolution demanding a humanitarian cessation of fighting in the Israel-Hamas war. The US has cast the lone dissenting vote against a proposed UN Security Council resolution that would have demanded a humanitarian ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, amid rising civilian casualties in Gaza. Thirteen member states voted in favor of the resolution, which was put forward by the United Arab Emirates on Friday in New York. The UK abstained, leaving Washington diplomatically...

Kevin McCarthy Says Republicans Are Too White, Democrats ‘Actually Look Like America’
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
"When I look at my party, we look like the most restrictive country club in America," says disgraced former House Speaker. Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) expressed his open contempt for the white Republicans who make up the majority of the GOP and praised Democrats for their diversity during a debate at Oxford in the wake of his ouster as House Speaker. “When you look at the Democrats, they actually look like America,” McCarthy said. “When I look at my party, we look like the most...

Shock Video: Masked Marauders Use Car Stolen From Police Impound to Ram and Loot Warehouse
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Democrat business owner slams officials after thieves make off with $100,000 in gear A California business owner is lamenting his support for Democrat officials after a gang of thieves stole a car from a police impound and used it to carry out a ‘ram and loot’ at his warehouse this week, according to reports. The incident unfolded at around 5 a.m. on Wednesday morning in Los Angeles. A group of at least 10 suspects wearing masks and hoodies targeted Delta Construction...

Maduro Signs Decrees Incorporating Guyana’s Essequibo Region Into Venezuela
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Venezuelan dictator moves to annex territory belonging to neighboring country According to Venezuelan media, President Nicolas Maduro has officially signed decrees to incorporate the western region of neighboring Guyana, known as Essequibo, into Venezuela. The head of state ratified a total of six documents, the first of which establishes a National Commission for the Defense of Essequibo. The second decree outlines the creation of the Guayana Esequiba Comprehensive Defense Zone,...

Barbados Demands $4.9 Trillion in Reparations From Former ‘Slave-Owning Countries’
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Prime Minister Mia Mottley has called for global talks on reparations for countries affected by the slave trade Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley has urged the UK to pay $4.9 trillion in reparations for the transatlantic slave trade, in a speech in London on Wednesday. She added that talks over how this debt should be repaid will “be difficult and will take time.” “We’re not expecting that the reparatory damages will be paid in a year, or two, or five because the extraction...

US Vetoes UN Resolution For Immediate Humanitarian Ceasefire In Gaza…UK Abstains
The People's Voice
The US voted against a draft UN security council resolution calling for an urgent humanitarian ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The vote in the 15-member council was 13-1, with the United [...] The post US Vetoes UN Resolution For Immediate Humanitarian Ceasefire In Gaza…UK Abstains appeared first on The People's Voice.

Federal Judge Approves Settlement Barring Separation of Migrant Families at Southern Border
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Government will also continue to identify families that were separated, fund their reunification in U.S., and provide pathway for them to seek asylum A US judge approved a settlement that bars US officials from separating migrant families that illegally cross the US southern border, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said in a press release. “A federal court has approved a historic settlement involving the American Civil Liberties Union’s years-long lawsuit on behalf of...

Tucker Carlson Comments on Running as Trump’s VP
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
“God would have to yell at me very loud” to accept such an offer, Carlson says Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson has stopped short of ruling out becoming former US President Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate in 2024, suggesting that he would need a directive from God to take the job if it’s offered to him. Carlson, who has attracted millions of viewers to his channel on X (formerly Twitter) since being fired by Fox in April, made his comments on Thursday night in...

How to Win Frens and Radicalize People with Lauren From Big Dig Energy!
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
You can wake up the people in your circle! Lauren from BigDigEnergy joins Harrison Smith in studio to tackle one of life’s most perplexing questions – How do we wake up our friends and family from leftist brainwashing? Don’t forget, Infowars relies on YOUR SUPPORT! To continue funding this independent operation, we urge you to visit the Infowars Store where you can fund the battle against globalism by purchasing great products such as dietary...

DNA Contamination in COVID Jabs Could Explain Rise In Cancers, Clots & Autoimmune Diseases
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COVID jab-related "turbo cancers" spreading across 44 countries Commenting on the recent discovery of DNA fragments inside Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” vials, anatomic clinical pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole revealed to “American Thought Leaders” that these contaminants could be related to the increases in cancer, micro-clotting and autoimmune disease among the fully vaccinated. “My big concern is the fact that billions of people across the earth have received a product that...

Bills Introduced to Withdraw U.S. From UN
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Bill would repeal United Nations Participation Act of 1945, which established U.S. membership in UN. Conservative members of Congress have introduced legislation to withdraw the United States from the United Nations. H.R. 6645 and S. 3428, titled the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act, were respectively introduced Wednesday by Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas) and Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah). Representative Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) is cosponsoring the House...

“The” Climate Science is Settled. Any Questions? – Part 1
In This Together
At the recent 28th Conference of Parties (COP28), convened by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the British aristocrat, political lobbyist and climate activist, King Charles III, said: I have spent a large proportion of my life trying to warn of the existential threats facing us over global warming, climate change and biodiversity loss. [. . .] The dangers are no longer distant risks. [. . .]  How can we bring together our public, private, philanthropic and N.G.O. sectors ever...

Interview with Maryann Gebauer
In This Together
Part 1   Part 2 Don't forget to check out my latest Substack     In this two part interview, Maryann Gebauer and I discuss: 1) the sophisticated methods of social control and digital prison; and 2) the interconnected geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, Russia, and Ukraine. Maryann Gebauer is a former investment advisor who now investigates medical, financial, social, and geopolitical issues and says that she "conducts compelling and thought-provoking interviews with...

Interview with Rick Munn – Was Al-Aqsa Flood a False Flag?
In This Together
Don't forget to check out my latest Substack   On Locked and Loaded for TNT radio, Rick Munn and I discuss, among other topics, my latest piece for Geopolitics and Empire: Was Al-Aqsa Flood a False Flag? Our discussion starts at 17:51. Rick serves up a diet of current affairs with a healthy dose of salt and light. Promoting truth and exposing lies, global and local. Highlighting and discussing issues mainstream media are paid to ignore. I hope you enjoy what I think was an informative...

US Allowed Access To Sweden’s Military Bases Following New Defense Deal
The People's Voice
Sweden, which is on the verge of joining NATO, has signed a defense cooperation agreement with the US that will grant them access to all military bases across the country. This deal will be in [...] The post US Allowed Access To Sweden’s Military Bases Following New Defense Deal appeared first on The People's Voice.

US Mulls Military Action Against Houthis After Officials Angered At Lack Of Response
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The Biden White House has further been accused of "downplaying" the threat The US says it is in talks with regional allies to establish a joint naval task force to protect commercial vessels traversing the Red Sea, following several attacks on commercial ships and even the hijacking of one Israeli-linked ship. The White House has said it’s in “active conversations” with allies about setting up such escorts. “We are in talks with other countries about a maritime task force of sorts involving...

IMF Chief Demands Public Pay ‘Carbon Tax’ To Global Institutions To ‘Fight Climate Change’
The People's Voice
The public must be punished for using energy though the implementation of a carbon tax to be paid to globalist institutions engaged in the fight against climate change, according to the head of International Monetary [...] The post IMF Chief Demands Public Pay ‘Carbon Tax’ To Global Institutions To ‘Fight Climate Change’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

RFK Jr Admits He Flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express
The People's Voice
Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. admitted Tuesday that he twice flew on the “Lolita Express,” the notorious private jet that belonged to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. During an interview on Fox News with host [...] The post RFK Jr Admits He Flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express appeared first on The People's Voice.


LOOMING FINANCIAL CRISIS ALERT: Warren Buffett Just Dumped $7 Billion Of Bank Of America Stock— MUST-WATCH Infowars: There's a War on fo...