Samstag, 20. Januar 2024

USA Breaking News

Fully Vaccinated World Champion Pole Vaulter Dies Suddenly Aged 29
The People's Voice
Canada’s world champion pole vaulter Shawn Barber, who won the gold medal at the world championships in Beijing in 2015, has died suddenly at the age of 29. According to a statement released by the [...] The post Fully Vaccinated World Champion Pole Vaulter Dies Suddenly Aged 29 appeared first on The People's Voice.

Fact Checkers Claim There Were ‘No Mattresses or Booster Seats’ In Jewish NYC Tunnels
The People's Voice
The whole world saw video footage of the NYPD pulling stained mattresses and booster seats from the secret tunnel system discovered under the Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, but USA Today fact checkers are [...] The post Fact Checkers Claim There Were ‘No Mattresses or Booster Seats’ In Jewish NYC Tunnels appeared first on The People's Voice.

Video: Stuttering Soros Hits The Panic Button In Pathetic WEF Speech
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Alexander Soros is one of the key architects orchestrating the globalist takedown of America -- but he can barely string together two words. The offspring of far left billionaire George Soros told the World Economic Forum that Donald Trump is to blame for the erosion of trust in democratic institutions, however, leftists have been undermining faith in their own institutions for decades. Alex Jones reports: Video: Stuttering Soros Hits The Panic Button In Pathetic WEF Speech...

White House Press Sec. Gaslighting Intensifies: ‘Americans Starting to Feel Pres. Biden’s Strong Economy’
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Significant number of Americans still struggling with soaring prices from runaway inflation. The White House’s chief liar, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, continues to lie to the American people, this time claiming the economy is thriving under Joe Biden, despite a significant number of Americans struggling to pay for bills or food. “It’s clear Americans are starting to feel Pres. Biden’s strong economy!” Jean-Pierre claimed during a press briefing Friday. KARINE...

Woke Sports Illustrated Tells All Employees They’re Fired!
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
'Go woke, Go broke... strikes again' After 70 years, Sports Illustrated magazine is reportedly set to lay off almost all of its print and online employees. The announcement comes on the heels of The Arena Group, the company publishing the magazine, missing a $2.8 million payment to the Authentic Brands Group (ABG). ABG purchased Sports Illustrated for $110 million in 2019. Arena sent an email to employees on Friday, stating, “Some employees will be terminated...

Watch: Alex Soros Tells WEF Trump Ruined Democracy
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More evidence leftists desperately fear return of Trump. Alex Soros, the son of far-left billionaire George Soros, accused former President Donald Trump of destroying faith in institutions and democracy in the US. Speaking to a panel Friday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Soros admitted Trump had gotten under the globalists’ skin, and claimed the former president had singlehandedly upended the checks and balances system that preserves democracy. ...

Musk Shocked Insurance Company Bribed Health Providers To Push Covid Shots
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'Your primary care provider was bribed to get you to take the jab,' wrote Kentucky GOP Rep. Thomas Massie. Kentucky GOP Rep. Thomas Massie posted a screenshot to 𝕏 Friday exposing Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s scheme to provide financial incentives to healthcare providers for administering Covid shots. 𝕏 owner Elon Musk responded to the post with “!!” to express his shock about the disturbing news. “Your primary care provider was bribed to get you to take the jab. ‘Oh, but...

China Stocks Hit Rock Bottom: After $6.3 Trillion Market Loss, Brokers Suspend Short-Selling
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
China's stock market is falling faster than its population. Amid ‘snowball derivative liquidations‘, China’s stock market is falling faster than its population. The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index crashed 6.5% this week – its worst weekly loss since March 2023 with Wednesday seeing the biggest daily loss since Oct 2022 as the index plummeted to key support levels around the Oct 2022 lows… Source: Bloomberg For context, Chinese and Hong Kong stocks have seen some $6.3 trillion...

BREAKING: Americans Being Infected With Live Ebola By Secret Bill Gates Project
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Top medical experts break down dangerous Ebola vaccine experimentation being conducted inside the US. Dr. Richard Bartlett and Jon Fleetwood join Alex Jones to lay out how live ebola is being administered via a vaccine. 

New Evidence Proves J6 Pipe Bomb Was Inside Job by FBI
The People's Voice
The Jan. 6 pipe bomb suspect was an undercover FBI agent, according to bombshell new evidence released this week. Harrison Smith of The American Journal presents new evidence proving that the Jan. 6 pipe bomb suspect was [...] The post New Evidence Proves J6 Pipe Bomb Was Inside Job by FBI appeared first on The People's Voice.

FBI Order Banks To Flag Transactions Containing Terms Like ‘MAGA’ and ‘Trump’
The People's Voice
The FBI has begun ordering banks across America to flag any and all transactions containing terms such as “MAGA” and “Trump” as part of its anti-terrorism agenda. Accoridng to Rep. Jim Jordon, the FBI has [...] The post FBI Order Banks To Flag Transactions Containing Terms Like ‘MAGA’ and ‘Trump’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Netanyahu: ‘Israel Must Govern the Entire Middle East’
The People's Voice
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared on Thursday that Israel plans to control the entirety of Palestine “from the river to the sea” and told the rest of the world to get out of the [...] The post Netanyahu: ‘Israel Must Govern the Entire Middle East’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Terrifying Footage Shows Boeing 747 Engine Fire Over Miami
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Flight suffered an engine fire over Miami late Thursday. Footage shared on social media platform X shows what appears to be an Atlas Air Boeing 747-8 with flames shooting out one of its four engines shortly after takeoff.  NEW INFO: FAA says “post flight inspection revealed a SOFTBALL SIZE HOLE above the #2 engine” of Atlas Air Boeing 747-8 cargo flight that suffered an engine fire over Miami late Thursday. Successful emergency landing, great work by the crew! Video from Melanie...

Massachusetts Hospital Warns Patients Who Commit Microaggressions Could Be Denied Care
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Patients using "racist" or "discriminatory" words or body language could be told to seek non-emergency medical care elsewhere A public hospital in Massachusetts has issued a warning that patients who violate their new code of conduct by using “racist” or “discriminatory” words or body language could be told to seek non-emergency medical care elsewhere. In early January, Milford Regional Medical Center (MRMC) implemented a new “patient and visitor code of conduct” which describes a list...

GOP Rep. Calls For Government Program To Compensate Vaxx-Injured Americans
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
'We've exempted the pharmaceutical industries from liability, but that doesn't exempt the federal government from liability,' says Rep. Andy Harris. Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.) joined The Epoch Times in a recent interview where he called for an avenue to provide compensation for Americans injured by Big Pharma products such as the deadly Covid jabs. Harris, who worked as an anesthesiologist at Johns Hopkins Hospital for almost thirty years, told Epoch Times Senior Editor Jan Jekielek...

Scientists Warn Fully Jabbed Are Now Suffering From Deadly ‘VEXAS Syndrome’
The People's Voice
People who were injected with mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 are increasingly being diagnosed with a new deadly disease called VEXAS syndrome – an auto-inflammatory ailment that was first discovered in 2020. VEXAS, which is short [...] The post Scientists Warn Fully Jabbed Are Now Suffering From Deadly ‘VEXAS Syndrome’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

WATCH: Bill Gates Funding Ebola Vaccine Trial In US That Sheds LIVE Virus 30% of The Time!
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Gain-of-function is back! Alex Jones breaks down how Bill Gates and globalists are injecting people with experimental shots that are causing Ebola outbreaks in the United States: Don’t miss: BREAKING: Americans Being Infected With Live Ebola By Secret Bill Gates Project RELATED: WAPO Latest Outlet Telling Americans ‘Doing Own Research’ Is Bad Jones is LIVE covering this and more:Winter Sun Plus is NOW 40% off! Boost your...

WATCH: Mega-Viral Breakdown of America Being Conquered by Invading Illegals — Paid for by our Political Leaders!
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Tucker Carlson warns: “The story of history is the story of invasions.” Tucker Carlson has just released a powerful and concise breakdown of how America is being conquered via an invading replacement population – all paid for and allowed by our so-called political leaders! “The story of history is the story of invasions,” said Carlson in his now mega-viral exposé. “One group of people moving into someone else’s land and taking it. One Nation ends, another begins.” “Invasions...

Showdown: Texas Defies Feds — State Troopers, National Guard Arrest Illegals As They Enter US
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Texas has refused to grant federal agents access to Shelby Park area, setting off a showdown between the state and federal government. Astonishing footage out of Eagle Pass, Texas, shows members of the Texas Highway Patrol and Texas National Guard arresting and detaining illegal immigrants crossing razor wire barriers into the state. Video shot Friday at the US-Mexico border shows several migrants in custody as Texas law enforcement agents patrol the area. A huge...

Davos 2024: Rebuilding Treason
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The Davos attendees of 2024 needs to calm down. The overselling of an imminent nightmare future is really pissing huge populations of team humanity off. Hidden behind the lost attempt to renew trust for the Davos 2024 attendee’s sugar-coated totalitarian strategy for world domination, is a panicked roach nest of sociopaths partaking in treason, drugs, high-end prostitutes, and delusions of grandeur: 

Heritage Foundation President To WEF: ‘You’re Part Of The Problem’ & It’s ‘Absurd’ To Call Trump A Dictator
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Dr. Kevin Roberts also exposed the elite's global open border agenda to collapse Western nations like America During a recent speech at the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, The Herigate Foundation President Dr. Kevin Roberts scolded the unelected body for attempting to usurp the sovereignty of nations across the globe. Dr. Roberts was invited to speak on a WEF panel Thursday where he used the opportunity to suggest the group is not doing a good job of protecting...

Dem Rep. Barbara Lee Compared to Jussie Smollett After Story About Racism in Capitol
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Black congresswoman claims white security officer prevented her from entering 'Capitol members only' elevator. Social media users are accusing Democrat congresswoman Barbara Lee (Calif.) of fabricating a tale in which she claimed she was the victim of racism at the US Capitol, saying it sounds suspiciously similar to the Jussie Smollett hate hoax. Lee was speaking to CNN Thursday when she told the tale as an example of the “institutional racism” she claims is embedded in the US’...

SYSTEM COLLAPSE: Boeing 747 Engine Erupts In Flame Over Miami — Friday LIVE Broadcast
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Watch & share this LIVE broadcast! Watch & share today’s edition of The American Journal that’s live every weekday from 8-11 am CST: Last year there was a stretch where trains were falling off the tracks and exploding constantly. This year, it seems like planes are randomly exploding every week. Why is this happening?— Harrison H. Smith ✞ (@HarrisonHSmith) January 19, 2024 🚨#UPDATE: The Atlas Air Boeing 747-8 is...

NATO To Launch Largest War Games Since Cold War
The People's Voice
NATO has announced that it is set to launch its largest military exercise in decades. Next week around 90,000 troops from all 31 member states, as well as Sweden, plan to participate. The drills will [...] The post NATO To Launch Largest War Games Since Cold War appeared first on The People's Voice.

Trump: Biden Is ‘An Absolute Threat to Democracy…Is Surrounded By Bad People’
The People's Voice
During an appearance on Thursday’s Hannity former President Donald Trump claimed that President Joe Biden is “a threat to democracy.” Trump was asked to react to being removed from the GOP primary ballots in Colorado [...] The post Trump: Biden Is ‘An Absolute Threat to Democracy…Is Surrounded By Bad People’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Netanyahu Says Israel Is Attacking Iran
The People's Voice
Benjamin Netanyahu has said that Israel is already carrying out direct attacks on Iran and is making every possible effort to prevent Tehran from attaining nuclear weapons. Answering a reporter’s question about why Israel was [...] The post Netanyahu Says Israel Is Attacking Iran appeared first on The People's Voice.

Pope Francis Urges WEF To Promote ‘Far-Sighted’ Globalization
The People's Voice
The Pope has called on members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) to promote “far-sighted and ethically sound” models of globalization. In a letter addressed to Klaus Schwab, Pope Francis called on the elites attending [...] The post Pope Francis Urges WEF To Promote ‘Far-Sighted’ Globalization appeared first on The People's Voice.

Sweden Scraps Agenda 2030 Goals
The People's Voice
Sweden’s right wing government is ditching the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 goals. They have already scrapped the renewable energy plans and have been pushing for more nuclear power. Martin Kinnunen, environment and climate spokesperson for [...] The post Sweden Scraps Agenda 2030 Goals appeared first on The People's Voice.

Russian FM Says West Is Aware Zelensky Getting ‘Out of Control’
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Public opinion polls in the West have continued to show Zelensky's popularity is slipping. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in fresh Thursday statements says the West is trying to reign in Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky as he’s doing everything possible to stamp out dissent and cling to power, including canceling an expected presidential election this year. Lavrov characterized the situation as one wherein America’s man in Kiev is increasingly “out of control” but...

Washington Democrats Want To Make Armed Self-Defense Illegal At Dangerous Bus Stops
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Their newest bill bans weapons, including legally purchased guns and knives, at bus stops and transit centers. While violent criminals in Seattle have no compunction about carrying weapons wherever they go, Washington Democrats want to strip law abiding citizens of the ability to match force in self-defense in various public places. As journalist Jason Rantz notes; Their newest bill bans weapons, including legally purchased guns and knives, at bus stops and transit centers.SB...

No More Research on Cellphone Radiation and Human Health, Government Says
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The National Toxicology Program said it no longer plans to study the effects of cellphone radiation on human health, citing technical challenges and lack of resources — even though its own $30 million study found evidence of cancer and DNA damage. The National Toxicology Program (NTP) has no plans to further study the effects of cellphone radiofrequency radiation (RFR) on human health — even though the program’s own $30 million study that took about 10 years to complete in 2018 reported evidence...

“Food Deserts” Rise In Democrat Run Cities As Grocers Leave In Droves
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Companies have in some cases tried to hide the reason for shutting down (high crime) by suggesting that they are “improving” the area by opening land up for development, but locals know the real cause. The panic is palpable.  Democrat-controlled cities across the nation are experiencing something they might never have experienced before:  Consequences for their terrible criminal prosecution policies.  And, they don’t like.  Not one bit. Democrats have argued for the past couple...

Spin-off DISEASE: Fully Vaccinated for COVID Manifesting New Disease Called VEXAS Syndrome
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Autoinflammatory ailment was first discovered in 2020 around the time Operation Warp Speed was launched. People who were injected with “vaccines” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are increasingly being diagnosed with a new type of disease they are calling VEXAS syndrome, an autoinflammatory ailment that was first discovered in 2020 around the time Operation Warp Speed was launched by the Trump regime. VEXAS syndrome, short for vacuoles, E1 enzyme, X-linked, autoinflammatory,...

Watch: The View Scrambles to Spin Kamala Harris’ ‘Scared as Heck’ of Trump Remark as ‘Brave’
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
'I want the second most powerful person in the world – who happens to be a woman – [to] tell me, be very, very afraid,' one co-host ridiculously claimed. The left-wing propagandists on ABC’s The View defended Biden VP Kamala Harris after she admitted in an appearance the previous day that she’s scared of the prospect of having to run against Donald Trump and his formidable MAGA political machine. On Thursday, View co-hosts took turns explaining what Harris meant when she said she was...

New Evidence Proves J6 “Pipe Bomb” Was Inside Job
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Was the device part of a failed plot or was it simply a dud used to add to the chaos on Jan. 6? Harrison Smith of The American Journal presents new information showing the Jan. 6 pipe bomb suspect was likely some sort of government asset as they’ve yet to be tracked down by Biden’s dragnet. One odd development came recently when internet users pointed out the J6 pipe bomb itself looked almost identical to the pipe bombs the FBI uses in its training exercises. ...

VIDEO: WEF Calls For Criminalization Of Farming and Fishing
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Environmentalists going out of control Jojo Mehta – founder of ‘Stop Ecocide Now’ – called for the “mass damage and destruction of nature,” to be legally recognized as, “a serious crime” during a recent World Economic Forum speech. Alex Jones describes how the video highlights the left-wing insanity we’re currently dealing with. Don’t forget, Infowars relies on YOUR SUPPORT! To continue funding this independent operation, we urge you...

Trump To Pick UFC Champion Sean Strickland for VP?
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Could the no-nonsense fighter help lead the nation back from near death? Alex Jones plays a viral video clip of UFC superstar Sean Strickland dominating a weak Canadian “journalist” and calls for the fighter to be Donald Trump’s vice president selection. Trump To Pick UFC Champion Sean Strickland for VP?— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) January 18, 2024 


LOOMING FINANCIAL CRISIS ALERT: Warren Buffett Just Dumped $7 Billion Of Bank Of America Stock— MUST-WATCH Infowars: There's a War on fo...