Dienstag, 7. Mai 2024


Gain of Function: Chinese Scientists Create Mutant Ebola Virus to Skirt Around Biosafety Rules
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Mutant Ebola virus causes horrific symptoms and quickly kills group of test hamsters. Chinese scientists have engineered a virus with elements of Ebola in a lab that killed a group of hamsters. Researchers at the Hebei Medical University in Shijiazhuang, the capital of China’s Hebei province, grafted a protein found in Ebola to a contagious disease found in livestock with horrific results. The group of test hamsters that received the lethal injection “developed severe...
Video: Bill Gates & Pfizer CEO Bourla Brag About Deadly Covid Shots, Admit To Skyrocketing Cancer Rates
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Top globalists admit to conducting mRNA and oncological cancer treatment experiments on the human population -- Alex Jones breaks it all down! Alex Jones breaks down alarming remarks by Bill Gates and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla essentially admitting plans to conduct global mRNA and oncological experiments on the human population. WATCH: Bill Gates & Pfizer CEO Bourla Brag About Deadly Covid Shots & Upcoming CANCER Jabs – What Could Possibly Go Wrong? pic.twitter.com/Y2Frbay6X3—...

‘I’ll Make That Sacrifice Any Day’: Trump Says ‘Constitution More Important than Jail’ as Judge Threatens Imprisonment
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'This is just a political Witch Hunt... and this is really truly election interference and it's a disgrace,' says former president. Former President Donald Trump said he’d be willing to go to jail for violating an unconstitutional gag order, essentially daring the NY judge in his criminal trial to make the unprecedented move. Speaking to reporters following Day 12 of his trial, the former president continued to bash his “hush money” case as a politically motivated “witch hunt”...

Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman Survives Assassination Attempt: Unconfirmed Report
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The attack is claimed to have killed several members of the Saudi Royal Guard, but the Prince was unharmed. While it is yet to be confirmed, social media is alive with reports that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman and several other high-ranking officials were attacked earlier tonight within the capital of Riyadh, in what appears to have been an assassination attempt against the Crown Prince. REPORT IN RIYADH: Bin Salman survives an assassination attempt.— Mossad...

TX Governor Abbott Rejects Biden Admin National Guard Power Grab
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GOP politician warns of 'dangerous precedent' being set Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Monday issued a statement about the Biden administration’s attempts to take over state National Guard units. “President Biden and his Admin. are making a power grab for the National Guard. They want to give the Secretaries unilateral authority to dismantle National Guard units on a whim. Governors must not be sidelined as commander-in-chief of our National Guards,” Abbott wrote on X. ...

Putin Orders Nuclear Drills in Response to Western Threats to Send Troops to Ukraine Front
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Moscow plans to test its ability to deploy tactical nuclear weapons after Britain and France threaten to send troops to Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced tactical nuclear weapons drills in response to “belligerent statements” made by Western leaders threatening to put troops on the ground in Ukraine. “During the exercises, a set of measures will be carried out to practice the issues of preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons,” Russia’s defense ministry said...

Secret Service Probed Twitter User Who Wanted ‘Invade’ White House & Snap Pics of Biden in Diapers
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Secret Service targeted unnamed Maine Army veteran for investigation after supposedly problematic social media posts. The US Secret Service once opened an investigation into a Twitter user in Maine who displayed an “unusual interest” in the Biden family, a Freedom of Information Act request reveals. According to documents turned over to the Heritage Foundation, the Secret Service targeted an unnamed Maine Army veteran for a “preliminary protective intelligence investigation” in July 2022,...

The Predictable Wastes of Covid Relief
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Uses of Covid funds actually counted as legitimate despite being laughably frivolous or clearly unrelated to nominal goals connected to public health or helping communities deal with the economic impact of the virus – or, more accurately, the lockdowns. If you ever had the vague sense that Covid relief funding worked in a manner akin to US aid packages in failed Middle Eastern dictatorships, your instincts weren’t wrong.  First off, there were cases of just outright fraud nearing the...

There Is No Prosperity without Private Property
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Private property rights ought to be kept intact. A free society will always attract the more productive and hard-working compared to an unfree society. Private property rights are crucial to economic prosperity. Without them, it becomes impossible to set up a system of free markets that allows for rational economic calculation. Despite this, property rights are under attack in today’s world by progressives seeking to build a more “just” society through equity. When property is...

ICC Prosecutors Interview Gaza Victims Over Netanyahu War Crimes
The People's Voice
International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutors have held meetings with the staff of Gaza’s two largest hospitals in order to gather evidence against Netanyahu for war crimes his administration has committed. Two unnamed sources confirmed to Reuters on [...] The post ICC Prosecutors Interview Gaza Victims Over Netanyahu War Crimes appeared first on The People's Voice.

Canada To Imprison Anyone Who Has EVER Posted ‘Hate Speech’ Online
The People's Voice
The Trudeau regime has introduced an Orwellian new law called the Online Harms Bill C-63, which will give police the power to retroactively search the Internet for ‘hate speech’ violations and arrest offenders, even if [...] The post Canada To Imprison Anyone Who Has EVER Posted ‘Hate Speech’ Online appeared first on The People's Voice.

SPARS 2025 – 2028: Government Knew COVID Shots Would Kill
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Watch & share this life-saving analysis! Watch & share this bombshell analysis by Alex Jones and Infowars on the SPARS Pandemic document. Share on X: SPARS 2025 – 2028: Government Knew COVID Shots Would Kill pic.twitter.com/6sXly9SCtg— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) May 6, 2024 Don’t miss: Alex Jones Was Right: Bill Gates Confesses To Experimenting On the Public With COVID ShotsURGENT! Keep Alex Jones in the fight...

Hungarian Leader Warns Macron Is Trying To Start World War III
The People's Voice
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has warned that French President Emmanuel Macron’s is deliberately attempting to spark World War III by threatening to send NATO troops to Ukraine. In an interview with The Economist last [...] The post Hungarian Leader Warns Macron Is Trying To Start World War III appeared first on The People's Voice.

Pfizer CEO Brags ‘Cancer is the new Covid’ as he prepares new mRNA Cancer-jab roll-out
The People's Voice
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla boasted last week that ‘cancer is the new Covid’ that Big Pharma intends to reap massive profits from via the sale of cancer drugs. “Oncology, it is our new Covid,” Bourla said [...] The post Pfizer CEO Brags ‘Cancer is the new Covid’ as he prepares new mRNA Cancer-jab roll-out appeared first on The People's Voice.

Trump Slams Gag Order: Judge Has “Taken Away My Constitutional Right to Speak”
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Former president says gag order infringes on First Amendment, as NY judge again holds Trump in contempt and threatens him with jail. Donald Trump fired back at the judge in his “ridiculous” New York criminal trial after he threatened to jail the former president if he violates a gag order. “As you know, they’ve taken away my constitutional right. So I’m not allowed to answer that question,” Trump told a reporter outside the Manhattan court room. “This has never happened...

Dem Rep. Maxine Waters: Trump Supporters ‘Training Up In The Hills’ To Commit Violence If He Loses Election
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'I want to know about all of those right-wing organizations that he's connected with,' she said of Trump. Speaking with MSNBC this week, California Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters called on Biden’s DOJ to “protect” America from allegedly violent conservatives waiting to attack if Donald Trump loses the 2024 election. Fearmongering to the liberal outlet’s audience about Donald Trump, Waters said, “This is a man who we better be careful about.” She added, “I’m going to ask...

Democrat Hatchet Man: Prosecutor in Trump’s NY Trial Once Paid by DNC For ‘Political Consulting’
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Politicization of NYC "hush money" trial further revealed as ex-top Biden DOJ official now prosecuting Trump exposed as seasoned Democrat operative. The Democratic National Committee paid Trump prosecutor Matthew Colangelo thousands of dollars for “political consulting” in 2018, Fox News reported. Colangelo serves as a top prosecutor with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s Office on the “hush money” case against former President Donald Trump and delivered opening statements...

Ron Paul: The Great Ukraine Robbery is Not Over Yet
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
When President Biden signed the $95 billion bill to keep wars going in Ukraine and Gaza and to provoke a future war with China, he called it “a good day for world peace.” Yes, and “War is peace.” Debt is good. Freedom is slavery. The ink was barely dry on President Biden’s signature transferring another $61 billion to the black hole called Ukraine, when the mainstream media broke the news that this was not the parting shot in a failed US policy. The elites have no intention of shutting down...

Trump Found In Contempt Again, Judge Threatens “Jail Sanction” Next
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
"Mr. Trump, I want you to understand the last thing I want to do is put you in jail," Judge Juan Merchan tells former president. Former President Donald Trump has been found in contempt of court for a second time by a New York judge overseeing his hush-money trial. On Monday, judge Juan Merchan said that Trump had violated a gag order with additional social media posts about witnesses in the case, and will consider jail if there are additional violations. “It appears...

Alex Jones Was Right: Bill Gates Confesses To Experimenting On the Public With COVID Shots
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Alex Jones warned of the dangers of the experimental COVID injections as early as 2021. From the earliest days of the “mRNA Era”, Alex Jones had been exposing how the COVID gene therapy injections contain all types of toxic ingredients. Alex Jones Was Right: Bill Gates Confesses To Experimenting On the Public With COVID Shots pic.twitter.com/1MHYhd1j6L— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) May 6, 2024 

Give the Devil His Due
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Hate George Soros all you want, but he knows what he wants and how to get it Give the Devil his due, so the old saying goes. Well, I’m going to do just that. Hate him all you want, but George Soros is a tremendously shrewd political operator. He knows exactly what to do to get the results he wants. He has a big bundle of money, but even more importantly he knows what to do with it. If only the right had its own George Soros. Sorry, but it’s true:...

Epic Thread! Rep. Massie Calls On Congress To Vacate Speaker Johnson, Use Power Of Purse To Quit Funding Biden BS
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
America can't afford to wait for the election to take action GOP Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky issued an epic call to action on X Monday, urging his colleagues to vacate House Speaker Mike Johnson and replace him with someone who will lead the fight to stop funding the corrupt Biden administration. Massie recalled a private breakfast he once attended with a group of congressmen and the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who delivered a speech. Scalia told the congressmen...

Cancer Is The New Covid — Pfizer CEO Brags
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Pfizer CEO expects to profit off the cancer treatment too. Fox Business interviewed Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Wednesday during a report on the recent bounce-back of their stock price. Bourla discussed reasons why Pfizer is once again profitable, including the pharmaceutical company’s expectation to reap massive profits via the sale of cancer drugs in the near future. “Oncology, it is our new Covid,” Bourla said. “We did what we did with Covid. We are very proud to have saved the world...

The Weekend Political Correctness Died? SNL & Roast Of Tom Brady Prove Comedy Is Back!
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Americans rejecting woke agenda, showing a thirst for real humor. This weekend’s edition of Saturday Night Live and The Roast of Tom Brady that premiered live on Netflix Sunday both signaled we may finally be past the days of politically correct wokeness destroying comedy. As Alex Jones commented on a compilation video highlighting legendary comic Tony Hinchcliffe’s best lines from the night, “Political correctness is a sinking ship.” Political correctness is a sinking...

Psychiatrists Warn Against Harmful, Experimental Trangender Treatments
The People's Voice
A top psychiatric organization in Europe is warning doctors against promoting “experimental” transgender “treatments” to gender-confused children and adolescents. The European Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP) published a policy statement that urges healthcare [...] The post Psychiatrists Warn Against Harmful, Experimental Trangender Treatments appeared first on The People's Voice.

Major Psychiatric Organization Warns Against Transgendering Kids
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Policy paper rebukes the push to chemically alter children's biology. The European Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP) issued a policy statement April 27 advising doctors to not pursue prescribing children treatments that will transgender them. “ESCAP calls for healthcare providers not to promote experimental and unnecessarily invasive treatments with unproven psycho-social effects and, therefore, to adhere to the “primum-nil-nocere” (first, do no harm) principle,”...

Former Russian President Says Western Leaders Are ‘Infantile Morons’
The People's Voice
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has warned that the US, the UK, France and other Western countries should take Russia’s upcoming nuclear drill as a reminder of where escalation of the Ukraine conflict could take [...] The post Former Russian President Says Western Leaders Are ‘Infantile Morons’ appeared first on The People's Voice.

Moderna Stops New mRNA Vaxx Trials after High Rate of Side Effects
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Skin conditions were triggered by the new HIV vaxx at a worrying rate The phase 1 trial of Moderna’s new mRNA HIV vaccine has been halted after a high rate of “puzzling skin side effects” were reported. The new vaccine requires a series of mRNA shots to be delivered, but an “unusually high percentage of recipients developed rashes, welts or other skin irritation,” according to Science magazine. “We are taking this very seriously,” Carl Dieffenbach told Science. Dieffenbach...

Alex Jones Proven Right Again: Pfizer Head Says Cancer Is the New Covid After Injecting Billions With Compounds Confirmed to Cause Cancer! WATCH LIVE
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Pfizer stock is up after CEO Albert Bourla promises the treatment of the new ‘mysterious’ explosion in cancer will be incredibly profitable! Studies confirm this cancer surge happened right AFTER injections rolled out! Watch & share this explosive edition of the most banned broadcast in the world: Alex Jones has returned to X! Follow him at @RealAlexJones! Secure a limited edition autographed copy of Alex Jones’ latest book ‘The Great Awakening’ TODAY!...

In Response To Western Aggression, Putin Orders Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drills
The People's Voice
Russian president Vladimir Putin has instructed the Russian Ministry of Defence to conduct a test of non-strategical nuclear weapons. Putin said the order was made in response to “Western aggression” and are aimed at protecting [...] The post In Response To Western Aggression, Putin Orders Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drills appeared first on The People's Voice.

Big Pharma Knowingly Sold Blood Products Infected With HIV & Hepatitis C
The People's Voice
Big Pharma companies including Bayer and Revlon Healthcare knowingly sold blood products contaminated with HIV and Hepatitis C to Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) The revelations came as part of a national inquiry into thousands [...] The post Big Pharma Knowingly Sold Blood Products Infected With HIV & Hepatitis C appeared first on The People's Voice.

Australia’s Digital ID Push is Undermined by Data Leak Disaster
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
In the wake of a privacy scandal, Australia's digital ID pilot program for online age verification faces intensified scrutiny over data security concerns. The Australian government’s decision to institute a pilot program testing an online age verification system digital ID system was overshadowed by a privacy scandal concerning a legal requirement for bars and clubs in the region. The wrinkle juxtaposed these two narratives in a glaring light and shows how the push for digital...

Throwing Kids’ Health Under The Bus? FCC Wants to Put Wi-Fi on School Buses
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Citing mental and physical health concerns, parents, politicians and safe technology advocates are pushing back against an FCC initiative to put Wi-Fi on school buses. Parents, politicians and safe technology advocates are pushing back against a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) initiative to put Wi-Fi on school buses. Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International in an April 29 Substack post accused the federal regulatory agency for telecommunications of being “the bully boarding...

WATCH: Mexican Border Guards Struggle with Dozens of Migrants aboard Train at US Border
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
A Mexican border agent is seen caning migrants in an attempt to dislodge them from the train Mexican guards struggled to displace dozens of migrants from a freight train popularly known as “the Beast” as it reached the Mexican border near Eagle Pass. The footage, posted on Twitter, shows Mexican border guards trying to get migrants to leave a freight train as it nears the US-Mexico border. At one point a female officer draws a cane and begins beating the migrants. ...

Pro-Life Hospice Group Launches ‘Do Not Euthanize’ Registry to Protect Canadians Patients
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Angelina Ireland, executive director of the Delta Hospice Society, told LifeSiteNews that as of May 1, Canadians can visit their website and sign up for their Do Not Euthanize registry to protect themselves from premature death. (LifeSiteNews) –– One of  Canada’s only fully pro-life hospices, the Delta Hospice Society (DHS), has launched a new Do Not Euthanize (DNE) National Registry that it says will help “defend” vulnerable citizens’ lives from “premature death by euthanasia.”  Angelina...

On Guard And Brace For Impact as The New World Order Escalates Tyranny to The Next Level
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Alex Jones informs viewers that we are at the precipice of the next phase of the NWO endgame. During his Sunday show Alex Jones warned conservative public figures that they must go public against the globalist New World Order depopulation endgame. “We are about to go into a slippery slope that we’re already on, but I mean over the edge of it,” Jones said. Don’t miss: BREAKING: The Civil War Has Begun— Discover The Globalist Kill List...

UK School Reports Parents Who Refused to Affirm Daughter’s ‘Transgender’ Identity to Child Protective Services
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The case underscores tensions between parental rights and agenda-driven idealogues amid growing influence of LGBT advocacy in schools. (LifeSiteNews) — Last year I reviewed Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans: Tales from the Home Front in the Fight to Save Our Kids for First Things. It is a truly horrifying book, especially for a parent. The book was filled with story after story of heartbroken, desperate mothers and fathers discovering that their child identified as transgender...

Liberals Three Times More Biased about Their Opponents than Conservatives, New Study Claims
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Liberals are less open-minded than conservatives, according to the new study Liberals are three times more biased when evaluating their opponents than conservatives are, according to a new study in the Journal of Social Psychology. This runs totally counter to the widespread belief that conservatives are less open-minded and more prejudiced than liberals. The researchers behind the study wanted to test the popular hypothesis that conservatives are more prone to prejudice and have...

Transmania: How ‘Woman’ Became a Transgressive Word
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Why has transgender ideology become so pervasive that it exerts a sort of mental terror—obliging people to acquiesce to a powerfully altered version of reality? The publication of this pink-and-blue book was like a bombshell in France: two women, Dora Moutot and Marguerite Stern, who come from militant leftist feminism, chose to cross the Rubicon and tackle the evils of transgender ideology in all its forms. It was a daring and more than courageous gamble. Courageous, because today, the ideology...

Us Battalion to Remain in Lithuania Indefinitely
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
American forces are in for the long haul in Lithuania. The American military battalion stationed in Lithuania since 2019 will now remain there indefinitely, extending beyond the initially planned departure in 2025 The decision to extend the stay of the U.S. military forces was announced by Lithuanian Defense Minister Laurynas Kasčiūnas during his visit to the U.S. Minister Kasčiūnas expressed his gratitude towards the Americans for their commitment to maintaining a military...

Democrat Leader Warns US Troops Could Enter Ukraine Conflict
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
A military defeat for Kiev might compel Washington to send service members to the country, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries has said. The US may have to deploy troops to Ukraine if Kiev suffers a complete collapse against Russia, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries has said.  In an interview with CBS News released on Sunday, the senior Democratic lawmaker stressed the urgency of sending military aid to Ukraine, claiming that if those efforts failed, the US would potentially have to...

“They’re Torturing Us”: Jan 6 Prisoner Tells of 1,200 Days Behind Bars—and Counting
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Jake Lang has spent over 800 days in solitary confinement at Brooklyn MDC “If not for God, I never would have made it this long as a POW,” Jan 6 prisoner Jake Lang told The Gateway Pundit in an interview. Lang, who last week passed 1,200 days in prison without a trial, said his detention “feels like an eternity.” He has spent nearly 800 days in solitary confinement. Lang was present at the Capitol on 6 January. Footage from the scene shows him helping others...

NIGHTMARE BOMBSHELL: Bill Gates Confesses to Illegally Testing Nanobots on Humanity Via mRNA Injections
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Alex Jones breaks down the latest doozy from Bill Gates. Alex Jones played a video on his Sunday night show of Bill Gates discussing the self assembling nanoparticle technology he got injected into the public via the covid vaccines. Don’t miss: BREAKING: The Civil War Has Begun— Discover The Globalist Kill List 

Plush NYC Hotel Used as Secret Migrant Shelter for over a Year
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
Over 100 hotels in the city have been converted into emergency shelters A plush hotel in New York City has been used as a secret migrant shelter for over a year, according to a New York Post investigation. The Square Hotel at 226 West 50th Street, which has over 140 rooms, states on its Facebook page that it is “closed for the foreseeable future.” “We appreciate your patronage and hope to welcome you back someday soon,” the social-media post says. An investigator...

WATCH: Assassin’s Gun Jams as He Tries To Kill Pastor during Sunday Service
Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind!
The incident took place in Pennsylvania An assassin attempted to shoot a pastor at a church, but his gun jammed and didn’t fire. The man was restrained by members of the congregation. The incident happened at a service on Sunday in Braddock, Pennsylvania, as Pastor Glenn Germany was delivering the service. The shooter, identified as Bernard Junior Polite, has now been arrested by police and charged with attempted homicide. Stunning video from church service...

15 States Suing Department of Education over Changes to Title IX
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A new lawsuit from six red states brings the total of states suing the Dept. of Ed. to 15 A total of 15 states are now suing the Department of Education over recent changes to Title IX, which include controversial changes designed to protect LGBTQ+ students from sex discrimination. Attorneys general from six red states—Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia—filed a lawsuit on Tuesday. Three other lawsuits have already been filed, bringing a total of 15 states...

“We’re Turning into a Banana Republic”: Donald Trump Jr.Weighs in on Evidence-Tampering in Florida Case
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Don Jr. predicts the persecution of his father will continue to get worse Donald Trump Jr. weighed in on his father’s classified-documents case in Florida after revelations that the prosecution team mishandled vital evidence and hid that fact from the court. “We’re turning into a banana republic,” tweeted Don Jr. “And it’s going to get worse till we throw these communist sociopaths out in November.” We are turning into a banana republic and it’s going to...


LOOMING FINANCIAL CRISIS ALERT: Warren Buffett Just Dumped $7 Billion Of Bank Of America Stock— MUST-WATCH Infowars: There's a War on fo...